silicon carbide for steel making
  • Manufacturer Graphite Powder for Steel and Casting Recarburizer

    Manufacturer Graphite Powder for Steel and Casting Recarburizer

    Metallurgy grade silicon carbide is used as an abrasive, and more recently as a semiconductor and diamond simulant of gem quality. The simplest manufacturing process is to combine silica sand and carbon in an Acheson graphite electric resistance furnace at a high temperature, between 1,600 °C (2,910 °F) and 2,500 °C (4,530 °F). Fine SiO2 particles in plant material (e.g. rice husks) can be converted to SiC by heating in the excess carbon from the organic material. The silica fume, which is a byproduct of producing silicon metal and ferrosilicon alloys, also can be converted to SiC by heating with graphite at 1,500 °C (2,730 °F).

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  • Deoxidizer Silicon Carbide For Steel Making

    Deoxidizer Silicon Carbide For Steel Making

    Useing: 1.ceramic,glass,stone,refractory material,cast iron and nonferrous metals,etc. 2.As abrasive,silicon carbide can be used for abrasive tools, such as grinding wheel,oilstone,grinding,sand tile etc. 3.As metallurgical deoxidizer and high temperature resistance materials. 4.As the single crystal of high purity,silicon carbide can be used for manufacturing ,silicon carbidefiber.

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